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Day 366

1 Jan

The last batch of photos for my Photo A Day For A Year project. Yes, they’re a little late; this was due to a rather temperamental laptop and New Year’s Eve celebrations with friends…


Day 365

30 Dec

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
Edith Wharton

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Day 364

29 Dec

I found a stray collie puppy this morning when I was out for a walk. She was very friendly, and very wet and hungry! After drying her, feeding her, letting her lounge about on my couch and taking a few photos of her (naturally), I accompanied her to the nearby veterinary clinic to see if she was chipped. Alas, she wasn’t, so the vet kindly offered to let her hang out there until the local dog warden could come to collect her and hopefully return her to her owners. The vet thought she was around 3-4 months old. We all agreed she was adorable, and my heart broke a little when I had to leave her.

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Day 363

29 Dec

The owls are not what they seem…



Day 362

27 Dec


Day 361

26 Dec

Rainy Boxing Day…


Day 360

25 Dec

Christmas Day with the family.

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Day 359

24 Dec


In the dark of this Midwinter,
The moon slipped from night
A shadow, of a wing
This has always been.

And she’ll stay, for a time
And it’s time. Snow Angel.


Day 358

23 Dec

Bohemian Christmas.


Day 357

22 Dec

An orange entirely studded with cloves…
