Tag Archives: Cemetery

“Au revoir”

24 May

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Alas, it looks like I have used 3.0 GB of my 3.0 GB upload limit (100%). It seems I cannot add any more of my photographs to Camera Obscure without purchasing a Space Upgrade from WordPress. This will therefore likely be the last post for a while, though I shall of course continue to take photographs, some of which I will upload to my other blog, Behind the Couch.

I initially created this blog, back in 2012, for a Photo A Day For A Year project, the aim of which was to encourage myself to become a more prolific photographer, and to become more observant of the world around me; to appreciate and capture those little moments so often overlooked. My friend also created a blog to chart her progress in the same project. It was a fun and creative year. You can view my collection of daily photos by clinking on the Photo A Day For A Year link above. Once the PADFAY project came to an end, I still continued to update Camera Obscure with my photographic efforts.

Thank you for visiting, please feel free to stay awhile and look around.

“Au revoir” – at least for now.


27 May

I just got back from a weekend in Exeter visiting some friends. Treks through cemeteries, cathedrals and Dartmoor naturally ensued. Here are some of my photos.

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Day 194

12 Jul

A day spent avoiding anything orange and marching… The cemetery seemed like a good place to hide. I forgot my camera’s memory card though, so had to use my Blackberry to take take these photos…